Our method

Every ethical choice outlines a method that step by step leads to a path; this path, in our work, in the winery as well as in the vineyard, is contained in every drop of our wine.
Observing nature, following the seasons and the climate, accompanying in the growth without forcing the natural cycle, integrates to a set of techniques and knowledge that go to balance the authenticity of the aromas and taste of our wines.We at Cantina il Cavaliere have made a choice of integrated cultivation that combines environment and health, technical knowledge and production, balance and sustainability.

For us, talking about integrated production means confronting techniques whose knowledge had found scientific justification long before the rise of chemistry in agriculture.
The principle on which this method of cultivation is based is the protection of crops by combating certain plant diseases and pests, without resorting, indiscriminately, to the “shortcut” of chemistry that is too excessive and brings derivative “side effects.”Integratedagriculture or integrated production is an agricultural system of production with low environmental impact that involves the coordinated, rational and synergistic use of cultural, biological, biotechnical and phytochemical methods with the aim of minimizing the use of means with negative environmental and health impacts.

The aim is to combine environmental protection with technical and economic requirements of modern production systems, raising the level of health protection for operators and end customers.
Various agronomic practices can be applied so as to create a suitable environment around plants for their development.
Integrated agriculture is mainly applied in the areas of:
Balanced organic fertilization with calibrated input of fertility elements according to the life cycle of organic matter to make plants healthier, more productive, and more resistant to disease
Tillage using conservation techniques with the aim of preventing soil degradation and erosion, eliminating weeds (avoiding weeding as much as possible) and reducing harmful insects sheltering in the soil
Water regulation to prevent water stagnation and subsequent excess moisture, a condition favorable to pest attacks
use of natural phytochemicals to limit the overall amount of products released into the environment, produce higher quality grapes, minimize the health risk to consumers, and decrease the impact on auxiliary organisms (predators, parasitoids, pollinators, etc.).
Thus,integrated agriculture falls under the umbrella ofsustainable agriculture as it optimizes the use of available resources and technical means to achieve the amount of production needed to meet demand, producing healthy and safe wines while conserving and protecting environmental resources.
So a natural ethical choice for us.